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Enrollment Essentials: The Reasons Behind Client Decision-Making

April 24, 20245 min read

If you are struggling with not enrolling enough clients and not having the impact you wanted, this videos is for you. Here I break down the most fundamental part you need to have in place in order to consistently and predictably enroll people in your coaching business. 

I have opened up a few slots in my calendar for people who are tiered of waiting and testing things that does not work – and if that sounds like you I want help with the process, book a call and I’ll help you for free! 🙂


Hello, my friends.

Why do people choose to work with you? Or why do they choose not to work with you?

Is it because they don’t like you? Could be.

Is it because you don’t offer value? Could be, but most likely not.

But could it be because you’re actually not just in front of people? Could it be that the biggest problem you’re facing is not being passionate enough about what you do or about the offer you have?

But could it be that the biggest problem you face in your business right now, today, is that not enough people see what you do? Meaning you don’t get your message out. Meaning that people have no idea what you’re what you do and that you could help them.

Look at it this way. If you were a doctor and you know you could help people and you were sitting around in your small little cabin somewhere in the woods, not helping anyone, even though you could. How would that make you feel?

Knowing that people suffer every day and you could help them, but they don’t know where you are. That is, in fact, the reality for you right now.

Most of you have a wonderful message.

You can help people with problems they really need help with, and you can make a huge difference for people.

Huge difference.

But again, people don’t see what you do.

They don’t understand what you do. So they don’t work with you.

So how do we fix this?

Do we throw in a couple of thousand bucks to the Facebook algorithm? Or do we throw it to the Google gods and hope they provide you with clients? Do we spend more money on building a new web page? Or do we spend money running ads in the newspaper or local radio station or whatever? Or how do we do this? What actually gets us results?

You could do all of those things, of course. The problem is that it’s not about the channel you choose to market in. It’s so much more than that.

The biggest reason is you probably don’t have a strategy that you actually thought through and actually work with someone to put together that makes sense to you in your business.

You probably ended up, as most people do in this day and age, finding people somewhere on the internet, promising gold and green forests all around and lots and lots of happy clients coming in, spending money with you.

You bought a course for $47 bucks or $97 or something like that that was going to teach you how to run Google ads or YouTube ads or Facebook ads or whatever.

It didn’t work. Guiltless charge. I did that too. I used to buy things like that and I didn’t get any results at all from it. But I spent a good amount of money thinking that it would be the difference for my business back in the days. And it wasn’t. It wasn’t because it is not about the tool you use to get in front of people.

You’re watching this video right now and I didn’t spend any money at all to get you to this video. None whatsoever.

Sure, I bought the camera but I like to go skiing so I might as well buy it to use it for that. But you need a message and you need an offer that is spot on for you. And you need to start with that. You need to craft your message and your offer. You need to craft it for specific people, not just for everyone, but for specific people. The exact person, single individual person that you know you could help the most, the fastest.

You need to tailor your message and everything towards that person. It doesn’t mean you can’t help everyone, but when it comes to actually marketing your business, we need to make sure that we find the right clients for you.

So it’s not about the marketing, that’s the message of this whole video. It’s not about the marketing side of this. It’s not about getting people to click your ad somewhere.

It’s about getting your message right. Why you do what you do, how you do what you do, and why it matters to people.

That’s what it’s about. It’s not about finding an ad for it. It’s about you getting clear and understanding what is the core and the essence in your message that people can resonate with. That’s where you need to start.

Easy as that, and as hard as that. This, I would say, is about 80 % of everything you need to do to get to market and to get in front of people. Defining who you work with, who you don’t work with, what your message is, and what your offer is, those four specifics.

You need to have those in place before you even start thinking about running an ad or putting some money into it.

And if you want help, I’ll be happy to completely for free help you get clear on this. I’ll even show you our method for it completely for free. Somewhere around here will be a button.

Go book a call and let’s have a conversation. I’m not going to sell you on anything, but I would like to help you.

Why? Because my goal is to help 10 million people improve their life and their business over the next couple of years. Let’s get you on that list and let’s get your message and offer clear.

Take care, everyone, and I’ll talk to you soon.

enrolling clientsvideo articlewhy people choose you as their coach
blog author image

Joel Iverlöv

Joel is a speaker, author, and business coach that have worked with over 2 000 clients over the last decade. From small businesses up to multinational giants, and all over the world. Father of seven, and based in Sweden. Joels strongest and most important beliefs are that everyone has the right and obligation to create their future and life in a way they decide. By empowering others real impact can be achieved!

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Increase enrollment today with this guide!

Enrollment Essentials: The Reasons Behind Client Decision-Making

April 24, 20245 min read

If you are struggling with not enrolling enough clients and not having the impact you wanted, this videos is for you. Here I break down the most fundamental part you need to have in place in order to consistently and predictably enroll people in your coaching business. 

I have opened up a few slots in my calendar for people who are tiered of waiting and testing things that does not work – and if that sounds like you I want help with the process, book a call and I’ll help you for free! 🙂


Hello, my friends.

Why do people choose to work with you? Or why do they choose not to work with you?

Is it because they don’t like you? Could be.

Is it because you don’t offer value? Could be, but most likely not.

But could it be because you’re actually not just in front of people? Could it be that the biggest problem you’re facing is not being passionate enough about what you do or about the offer you have?

But could it be that the biggest problem you face in your business right now, today, is that not enough people see what you do? Meaning you don’t get your message out. Meaning that people have no idea what you’re what you do and that you could help them.

Look at it this way. If you were a doctor and you know you could help people and you were sitting around in your small little cabin somewhere in the woods, not helping anyone, even though you could. How would that make you feel?

Knowing that people suffer every day and you could help them, but they don’t know where you are. That is, in fact, the reality for you right now.

Most of you have a wonderful message.

You can help people with problems they really need help with, and you can make a huge difference for people.

Huge difference.

But again, people don’t see what you do.

They don’t understand what you do. So they don’t work with you.

So how do we fix this?

Do we throw in a couple of thousand bucks to the Facebook algorithm? Or do we throw it to the Google gods and hope they provide you with clients? Do we spend more money on building a new web page? Or do we spend money running ads in the newspaper or local radio station or whatever? Or how do we do this? What actually gets us results?

You could do all of those things, of course. The problem is that it’s not about the channel you choose to market in. It’s so much more than that.

The biggest reason is you probably don’t have a strategy that you actually thought through and actually work with someone to put together that makes sense to you in your business.

You probably ended up, as most people do in this day and age, finding people somewhere on the internet, promising gold and green forests all around and lots and lots of happy clients coming in, spending money with you.

You bought a course for $47 bucks or $97 or something like that that was going to teach you how to run Google ads or YouTube ads or Facebook ads or whatever.

It didn’t work. Guiltless charge. I did that too. I used to buy things like that and I didn’t get any results at all from it. But I spent a good amount of money thinking that it would be the difference for my business back in the days. And it wasn’t. It wasn’t because it is not about the tool you use to get in front of people.

You’re watching this video right now and I didn’t spend any money at all to get you to this video. None whatsoever.

Sure, I bought the camera but I like to go skiing so I might as well buy it to use it for that. But you need a message and you need an offer that is spot on for you. And you need to start with that. You need to craft your message and your offer. You need to craft it for specific people, not just for everyone, but for specific people. The exact person, single individual person that you know you could help the most, the fastest.

You need to tailor your message and everything towards that person. It doesn’t mean you can’t help everyone, but when it comes to actually marketing your business, we need to make sure that we find the right clients for you.

So it’s not about the marketing, that’s the message of this whole video. It’s not about the marketing side of this. It’s not about getting people to click your ad somewhere.

It’s about getting your message right. Why you do what you do, how you do what you do, and why it matters to people.

That’s what it’s about. It’s not about finding an ad for it. It’s about you getting clear and understanding what is the core and the essence in your message that people can resonate with. That’s where you need to start.

Easy as that, and as hard as that. This, I would say, is about 80 % of everything you need to do to get to market and to get in front of people. Defining who you work with, who you don’t work with, what your message is, and what your offer is, those four specifics.

You need to have those in place before you even start thinking about running an ad or putting some money into it.

And if you want help, I’ll be happy to completely for free help you get clear on this. I’ll even show you our method for it completely for free. Somewhere around here will be a button.

Go book a call and let’s have a conversation. I’m not going to sell you on anything, but I would like to help you.

Why? Because my goal is to help 10 million people improve their life and their business over the next couple of years. Let’s get you on that list and let’s get your message and offer clear.

Take care, everyone, and I’ll talk to you soon.

enrolling clientsvideo articlewhy people choose you as their coach
blog author image

Joel Iverlöv

Joel is a speaker, author, and business coach that have worked with over 2 000 clients over the last decade. From small businesses up to multinational giants, and all over the world. Father of seven, and based in Sweden. Joels strongest and most important beliefs are that everyone has the right and obligation to create their future and life in a way they decide. By empowering others real impact can be achieved!

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Absolutely NOTHING on this web page should be considered as any type of earnings claim (implied or otherwise). I can't predict the future so I can't tell you what a "typical" result would be.

What I do know is the vast and overwhelming majority of people who take classes about growing businesses and increasing their sales don't get any results at all. Kind of like the way most people who buy home exercise equipment don't look like the people in the commercials. (I'm guilty on that front myself.)

Also, this is a PROGRAM intended to help BUSINESS OWNERS learn how to use the Internet to get more customers. It is NOT a "business opportunity".

This will require WORK, COMMITMENT, and most importantly, PERSEVERANCE.

All this "internet marketing" stuff is harder than it looks. So get ready to put in the work and stick it out.

If you're not committed, I'd advise you to pass on this.

We are not part of Facebook or any of their partners.