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August 06, 20240 min read
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Joel Iverlöv

Joel is a speaker, author, and business coach that have worked with over 2 000 clients over the last decade. From small businesses up to multinational giants, and all over the world. Father of seven, and based in Sweden. Joels strongest and most important beliefs are that everyone has the right and obligation to create their future and life in a way they decide. By empowering others real impact can be achieved!

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August 06, 20240 min read
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Joel Iverlöv

Joel is a speaker, author, and business coach that have worked with over 2 000 clients over the last decade. From small businesses up to multinational giants, and all over the world. Father of seven, and based in Sweden. Joels strongest and most important beliefs are that everyone has the right and obligation to create their future and life in a way they decide. By empowering others real impact can be achieved!

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Absolutely NOTHING on this web page should be considered as any type of earnings claim (implied or otherwise). I can't predict the future so I can't tell you what a "typical" result would be.

What I do know is the vast and overwhelming majority of people who take classes about growing businesses and increasing their sales don't get any results at all. Kind of like the way most people who buy home exercise equipment don't look like the people in the commercials. (I'm guilty on that front myself.)

Also, this is a PROGRAM intended to help BUSINESS OWNERS learn how to use the Internet to get more customers. It is NOT a "business opportunity".

This will require WORK, COMMITMENT, and most importantly, PERSEVERANCE.

All this "internet marketing" stuff is harder than it looks. So get ready to put in the work and stick it out.

If you're not committed, I'd advise you to pass on this.

We are not part of Facebook or any of their partners.