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4 Rules For New Coaches Practical Tips For Starting Right

April 24, 20245 min read

It’s a great time to be an entrepreneur – and coach! In the last decade, technology has leveled the playing field and propelled an entrepreneurial revolution. 

As an entrepreneur, you now have more access to information that enables you to make intelligent choices quicker than ever, and with more certainty. 

You have an advantage over big businesses in that you’re lighter, more flexible, and faster on your feet. You can also target new markets and niches more quickly, and you can turn on a dime.

But being a successful entrepreneur requires that you look at the big picture and follow a plan from beginning to end. From defining your ideal clients, target audience all the way to a successful coaching business.

And trust me, if I had a solid plan from start, not just a business plan, but also a marketing plan, I would have cut my time to success by 90%! 

This article applies to you whether you are a life coach, business coach, spiritual coach, mindset coach, or any other type of coach! I’m writing this based on my personal experience, and my goal is to help you start or grow your coaching business.

So without further ado, here are some practical guidelines that can help you when beginning your own business!


Don’t Quit Your Day Job Just Yet 

Consider starting your business part-time, especially if it’s online, while you’re working and have a steady income. It usually takes some time to get a business going and you don’t want your ability to make your house payment to hinge upon your company being an overnight success. 

Start with what you can manage, financially and time-wise, and scale up as your business grows. An easy and practical way is to start building an email list using a free gift, like an ebook, checklist, or cheatsheet.  Start building a list, and with the help of the next step, define your coaching niche. 

From there you have a much better platform to start crafting your coaching service and signature program or solution. PRO TIP: Think about what your strengths are, and what coaching skills your prospective clients are looking for.  

Find Your Niche

Now, it is time to define who you serve, and why! Particularly online, potential clients are looking for coaches that specialize in what they need. You have to find a need – something a specific group of people wants, and needs – and help them solve a problem.  

You can’t compete with the big guys, but don’t worry, YOU are special and you can help more people than you could ever imagine. All successful coaches started out small, even the man himself, Tony Robbins.  So, find your niche, and start serving and helping others! 

In this phase, you should focus on defining your ideal clients and target audience. This will help you attract more coaching clients in the long run! 

Have an Online Presence

In today’s modern world, we are closer connected than ever! That’s why you need to have an online presence for your business. People on the other side of the world are looking for help as much as the people in your town, so why not help as many as you can? 

Having an online presence eliminates the limitations of physical location and broadens your client base by, literally, millions. It’s also a great tool for promoting yourself and letting people, even in your own area, know that you’re there, and what you’re doing. 

There are a lot of digital tools you could use, and we recommend starting with the core basics. Setting up a funnel and start serving people!  If you need help finding a platform, click here, and we will gladly help you out!  

Refuse to Quit

Successful entrepreneurship requires creativity, energy, and a drive to keep going even when you fail. Few people realize that before Bill Gates created the extremely successful Microsoft 3.0, he created a Microsoft 1.0 and 2.0, both of which flopped – but he kept at it. 

And that determination and refusal to give up are what will separate successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones. Honestly, the only difference between a ‘successful’, meaning someone that has a profitable business that helps a lot of people, and someone who doesn’t, is determination and not giving up! 

Arm yourself with optimism to get beyond the ‘No’ or the trouble. There’s nothing wrong with failure – just don’t repeat the same mistake!

And trust me, this applies to all coaching practice, not just the life coaching or business coaching niche!

Finding and then serving your target market can sometimes feel hard and stressful. A great way to connect and talk to people is via social media platforms. You can find every type of client and every type of coaching there! Don´t quit! People need you!


Finally, remember to have fun! Your coaching business is supposed to support you financially, mentally and give you more freedom and joy. It should allow you to experience life as you want to live it!

Being your own boss can for a lot of people feel strange in the beginning, but trust me, it’s the best way of living I can imagine!

Now, go out and serve more people, change people’s lives, and create your successful business using your coaching skills, life experience, and lots of love! 

And if you need help getting started, or don’t know how to do it, we would LOVE to help you!

We helped over 2 000 coaches, just like you,  get their business started, and growing and I would love to help you too!  Schedule a free call with us and we will help you create your action plan and get your business in motion!

new coachesstart your businessprinciples for success
blog author image

Joel Iverlöv

Joel is a speaker, author, and business coach that have worked with over 2 000 clients over the last decade. From small businesses up to multinational giants, and all over the world. Father of seven, and based in Sweden. Joels strongest and most important beliefs are that everyone has the right and obligation to create their future and life in a way they decide. By empowering others real impact can be achieved!

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How to start right!

4 Rules For New Coaches Practical Tips For Starting Right

April 24, 20245 min read

It’s a great time to be an entrepreneur – and coach! In the last decade, technology has leveled the playing field and propelled an entrepreneurial revolution. 

As an entrepreneur, you now have more access to information that enables you to make intelligent choices quicker than ever, and with more certainty. 

You have an advantage over big businesses in that you’re lighter, more flexible, and faster on your feet. You can also target new markets and niches more quickly, and you can turn on a dime.

But being a successful entrepreneur requires that you look at the big picture and follow a plan from beginning to end. From defining your ideal clients, target audience all the way to a successful coaching business.

And trust me, if I had a solid plan from start, not just a business plan, but also a marketing plan, I would have cut my time to success by 90%! 

This article applies to you whether you are a life coach, business coach, spiritual coach, mindset coach, or any other type of coach! I’m writing this based on my personal experience, and my goal is to help you start or grow your coaching business.

So without further ado, here are some practical guidelines that can help you when beginning your own business!


Don’t Quit Your Day Job Just Yet 

Consider starting your business part-time, especially if it’s online, while you’re working and have a steady income. It usually takes some time to get a business going and you don’t want your ability to make your house payment to hinge upon your company being an overnight success. 

Start with what you can manage, financially and time-wise, and scale up as your business grows. An easy and practical way is to start building an email list using a free gift, like an ebook, checklist, or cheatsheet.  Start building a list, and with the help of the next step, define your coaching niche. 

From there you have a much better platform to start crafting your coaching service and signature program or solution. PRO TIP: Think about what your strengths are, and what coaching skills your prospective clients are looking for.  

Find Your Niche

Now, it is time to define who you serve, and why! Particularly online, potential clients are looking for coaches that specialize in what they need. You have to find a need – something a specific group of people wants, and needs – and help them solve a problem.  

You can’t compete with the big guys, but don’t worry, YOU are special and you can help more people than you could ever imagine. All successful coaches started out small, even the man himself, Tony Robbins.  So, find your niche, and start serving and helping others! 

In this phase, you should focus on defining your ideal clients and target audience. This will help you attract more coaching clients in the long run! 

Have an Online Presence

In today’s modern world, we are closer connected than ever! That’s why you need to have an online presence for your business. People on the other side of the world are looking for help as much as the people in your town, so why not help as many as you can? 

Having an online presence eliminates the limitations of physical location and broadens your client base by, literally, millions. It’s also a great tool for promoting yourself and letting people, even in your own area, know that you’re there, and what you’re doing. 

There are a lot of digital tools you could use, and we recommend starting with the core basics. Setting up a funnel and start serving people!  If you need help finding a platform, click here, and we will gladly help you out!  

Refuse to Quit

Successful entrepreneurship requires creativity, energy, and a drive to keep going even when you fail. Few people realize that before Bill Gates created the extremely successful Microsoft 3.0, he created a Microsoft 1.0 and 2.0, both of which flopped – but he kept at it. 

And that determination and refusal to give up are what will separate successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones. Honestly, the only difference between a ‘successful’, meaning someone that has a profitable business that helps a lot of people, and someone who doesn’t, is determination and not giving up! 

Arm yourself with optimism to get beyond the ‘No’ or the trouble. There’s nothing wrong with failure – just don’t repeat the same mistake!

And trust me, this applies to all coaching practice, not just the life coaching or business coaching niche!

Finding and then serving your target market can sometimes feel hard and stressful. A great way to connect and talk to people is via social media platforms. You can find every type of client and every type of coaching there! Don´t quit! People need you!


Finally, remember to have fun! Your coaching business is supposed to support you financially, mentally and give you more freedom and joy. It should allow you to experience life as you want to live it!

Being your own boss can for a lot of people feel strange in the beginning, but trust me, it’s the best way of living I can imagine!

Now, go out and serve more people, change people’s lives, and create your successful business using your coaching skills, life experience, and lots of love! 

And if you need help getting started, or don’t know how to do it, we would LOVE to help you!

We helped over 2 000 coaches, just like you,  get their business started, and growing and I would love to help you too!  Schedule a free call with us and we will help you create your action plan and get your business in motion!

new coachesstart your businessprinciples for success
blog author image

Joel Iverlöv

Joel is a speaker, author, and business coach that have worked with over 2 000 clients over the last decade. From small businesses up to multinational giants, and all over the world. Father of seven, and based in Sweden. Joels strongest and most important beliefs are that everyone has the right and obligation to create their future and life in a way they decide. By empowering others real impact can be achieved!

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Absolutely NOTHING on this web page should be considered as any type of earnings claim (implied or otherwise). I can't predict the future so I can't tell you what a "typical" result would be.

What I do know is the vast and overwhelming majority of people who take classes about growing businesses and increasing their sales don't get any results at all. Kind of like the way most people who buy home exercise equipment don't look like the people in the commercials. (I'm guilty on that front myself.)

Also, this is a PROGRAM intended to help BUSINESS OWNERS learn how to use the Internet to get more customers. It is NOT a "business opportunity".

This will require WORK, COMMITMENT, and most importantly, PERSEVERANCE.

All this "internet marketing" stuff is harder than it looks. So get ready to put in the work and stick it out.

If you're not committed, I'd advise you to pass on this.

We are not part of Facebook or any of their partners.